Overall total collected is 504,703.
We celebrated our 7th birthday as a charity this month. I remember so clearly coming back from Ethiopia in September 2009 and wanting to do a collection of 2000 pairs of pants then making my first trip to Kenya in 2010. We have so much to be thankful for. The support we receive is amazing – well you just need to look at the figures! We have collected more than 500,000 pants and bras and managed to distribute nearly 400,000; we have had over 100,000 likes on Facebook; we are educating approx. 377 children with one of the children we’ve sponsored since 2010 graduating from the University of Nairobi this December. The ongoing success of Smalls for All is down to the incredible supporters we have – from those who donate underwear to those who give their time to sort, count and bag the underwear and those who give financially and support our work through the organisation of fundraising activities – THANK YOU! Like many small charities we’ve had our fair share of challenges and I’m sure this coming year will be no different but I’m excited about what this year will bring.
I mentioned last month that we have been busy developing our online shop which we hope will be live in September. However in the meantime we have made our merchandise available on Facebook. You have the choice of accessing via the Facebook version or https://www.smallsforall.org/shop/. Hope you see something you like.
If you have had a chance to look at the latest thank you post you will see how many people have responded to our appeal for NEW pants for ladies (size 8-16) and boys (ages 3-15). The volunteers who open, sort, count and bag the underwear have worked even harder than usual in tackling the backlog of opening, thanks to them we are back on track. However, our appeal is still running so please keep them coming! If you are able to pop a pack of pants in the post to us (please remember to include a note with your name so we can thank you on our website) or if you prefer to shop online we have an Amazon wish list.