New total 90,597.
I mentioned last month that there was going to be 2 main fundraisers this year, one being the black tie dinner on Saturday 3 October at the Carlton Hotel in Edinburgh and the other, well I was a little secretive about. However I can now tell you about it, I’m looking to run a “Smalls” lottery for 200 people but to do this I had to apply to West Lothian Council for a licence, which has now been granted. The idea is that 200 people will give £5 a month, each month one of the 200 people will win £500 and the other £500 will go to Smalls. I’m running a pilot in May with 40 people so fingers crossed all goes well and then I need to find another 160 people to make this work. So if you are interested in being one of the 200 then please email me at [email protected] to register your interest. There are only 160 spaces so be quick! The aim is that the 1st draw for the £500 will take place in July, or June if people sign up quickly!
Touch of Hope are heading back to Uganda on 1 April and will be taking 2 suitcases of pants and bras and I’m finalising a date with Balcraig for their 1st pickup this year. The plan is they will be collecting underwear for the ladies in Sierra Leone, Malawi and Kenya and the children in Kenya so the Pantagon might be looking a little bare over the next few weeks (hint hint.).