Since our last Talking Pants, we’ve provided new pants and new and gently worn bras to 7 organisations:
- 472 pairs of pants and bras to Togs, an organisation providing clothing and equipment for children in Dundee.
- 50 bras to Showerbox, an organisation supporting the homeless in London.
- 144 pairs of pants and bras to Educate the Kids, who support children in Kenya.
- 635 pairs of pants to The School Bank, West Lothian.
- 1,130 pairs of pants to the Do Good Charity Initiative in Nigeria.
- 554 pairs of pants and bras to A Child in the Rough, an organisation working with students in the Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya.
- 830 pairs of pants and bras to Care4Calais, Slough & Heathrow and Herts.